Daily Archives: September 25, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier, absolutely amazing.

So much action, so much Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, and that Robert Redford guy!

If I had to choose which Captain America was my favorite it would have to be the second one hands down. I actually loved the second one a lot more. Usually almost every movie made after the first can’t live up to the first one, in this case it definitely did.

I watched this with my boyfriend who couldn’t stop talking about Scarlett Johansson’s butt which I kind of was like, “yeah I get it she has an incredible butt”. While he was talking about that, I couldn’t stop talking about her straight red hair, it was throwing me off, and I just was not feeling it all. There was one scene where it looked good but then realized she was wearing really bright red lipstick that made her whole hair and face looking amazing.

Chris Evans was really awesome in this movie, I mean really awesome. I love his shield action, the way he just threw his extremely heavy shield around made me swoon like a school girl on the playground. I can’t forget Samuel L. Jackson’s performance, he was good of course because he’s Samuel L. Jackson, and he is good at everything he does. He didn’t seem to yell much in this movie but maybe his yelling days are over, hopefully not.

Robert Redford (had no clue it was him) was pretty great too, it definitely was an all-star cast, can’t wait for the third movie because we all know there will be a third Captain America movie.

Hey guys please check out my other blog iamdelisa.com, thanks!